
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I've been avoiding this blog like the plague for the past few days.

I decided to "reload" this weekend -- a term for HCG's setting your metabolism back at a good rate -- and I feel like it backfired. I gained all my weight back. The only reason I am returning to this blog is because I refuse to be a failure and it is important to hold myself accountable for mistakes made. I am also trying really hard not to beat myself up too badly. I think it also goes to show how differently my body handles food rather than a "normal" body.

Uriah and I were talking about how everyone knows someone who can eat anything they want and won't gain an ounce. I am kind of the opposite -- everything I even think about touching goes straight on. Good god it's frustrating.

I decided to hop back on the horse yesterday. I attended the spinning class with my friend Paige and the instructor only let us do 20 minutes since it was our first time, and that was plenty! My.. parts.. hurt so bad! They say you get used to it... how long until then? Ouch!

Weightloss Summary... 
So since gaining the weight back: +6.6
Since yesterday: -.8 (obviously it didn't "reset" my metabolism)
Total: -.8


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