
Monday, April 22, 2013

Embracing Your Body Type

I was scrolling through Pinterest recently (side note: sometimes I use pinterest as a tool to keep my mind focused on healthy things - no, I wasn't scrolling the food section - we would be in trouble then - I go through the health & fitness page and motivational quotes to saturate my thoughts) and I came across an article about different body types.

Three Body Types - Ectomorph,
Mesomorph, and Endomorph
I knew about body types in women - pear, apple, rectangle, octagon (kidding), and what have you but hadn't heard of the terms "ectomorph," "mesomorph," and "endomorph" before. The more I read the more obvious it became that I am the latter of the three. To be precise, most people are variations of a couple of these, and according to the test I took I am in between a mesomorph and endomorph leaning more towards endomorph. Let me explain what these terms mean a little more...

Cameron Diaz - Ectomorph
I think we all know someone who can eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce of weight, or someone who has even been told by a doctor they need to gain weight. Although this may seem idyllic to someone like me who registers on the opposite end of the scale (literally and figuratively,) I'm not ignorant to the fact that  not all people like this feel it's a blessing. Either way, when you think of a person like this the chances are that you're thinking of a person with an ectomorphic body type. Think Kate Moss, Cameron Diaz, or Audrey Hepburn. Brad Pitt and Bradley Cooper are male examples. They are usually longer and leaner. Ectomorphs cover the majority of fashion magazines and they are more likely to be in cardiovascular sports.
Jennifer Garner - Mesomorph

The second body type is called mesomorph. These are what I think of as "natural athletes." They are strong and muscular. They usually don't have a problem losing weight or gaining muscle - their metabolisms are efficient. Their shoulders tend to be wider than their hips. You can see a lot of these body types in professional sports like tennis and body building. Infamous Hollywood muscle heads like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone fall into this category. Some famous female mesomorphs are Halle Berry, Demi Moore, and Jennifer Garner.

Sofia Vergara - Endomorph
I often have described myself as someone able to gain weight just from looking at food. This is why I fall mostly into the third body type called endomorph. Endomorphs gain fat very easily and losing weight is very difficult. They have smaller more rounded shoulders, high waist and tend to carry the majority of their weight in their abdomen, hips, and buttocks (hello me!) Endomorphs have slow metabolisms which can be unforgiving when eating unhealthily. They do, however, gain muscle easily. A lot of endomorphs tend to be obese (think Roseanne, Oprah, and Jack Black) but something I found neat about the endomorph body, is that when it is in shape, it is hardly rivaled in feminine physiques. Some examples of healthy endomorphs are Marilyn Monroe, Sofia Vergara, and Beyonce. Ow ow! (A healthy male example would be Russell Crowe.)

Marilyn Monroe - Endomorph

Learning this made me stop mid step and think about what my goal was. I've never wanted to be rail thin, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be tall and thin like an ectomorph. Since I do love sports, I've even thought about being as toned and strong as a mesomorph. But the fact of the matter is this: I am an endomorph. If I were to ever become an ectomorph (which I will never be) I would be making myself extremely ill. My shoulders will never be as broad and strong as a mesomorph (which will probably mean that my tennis and volleyball serves won't be as great as the pros - darn!) But in a funny way it has also relieved so much pressure from me! First of all - there is a reason I am the way I am. I am an endomorph. Second - there is a reason I am not like models - I am an endomorph (which makes me sad for the world in a whole other way.) Third- conquering this means it IS something that not everyone is meant to do. Ectomorphs and Mesomorphs don't have the same battle as I (we) do because it is EASY for them and it makes me feel somewhat confident about achieving something they never had to work for. Like being successful in a career coming from poverty versus being born into wealth. Lastly - Working towards looking like an hour glass bombshell? That's a goal right there I can get behind!

I did some research on what the best eating and exercises are. I've read some conflicting theories about exercise for endomorphs - some say because gaining muscle is easy, that you should focus on that and others say that because there is so much extra weight you should focus on cardio. If anyone has some solid ideas I would love to hear them. Until then, I think I will continue the combination of both - kettle bell is a good source of  mixing the two. Because endomorphs are prone to high insulin levels and gaining weight easily - bad carbs are to be avoided *almost* entirely - I'm not a no-carb fanatic, but let's face it - they aren't doing me any favors. Meals should be mostly composed of protein with healthy carbs found in vegetables and whole grains, and a little bit of healthy fat (nuts, eggs, olive oil.) It's a good thing for an endomorph to stock up on their lean meats and veggies with a side of fruit.

Time to embrace my strengths and learn from my weaknesses.

Male Body Type Examples

Beyonce  Megan

Some websites used for research:

Female Body Type Examples

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Friday Friday

Today I am celebrating a 13 lb overall weight loss! Hoo-rah!!

The weight loss is going slower than I am used to, but I'm also learning so much more about living a healthy life rather than crash dieting.

"You are what you eat. So don't be FAST, CHEAP, EASY, or FAKE." -a Food Matters shareSomething that has really helped me is educating myself on the food industry. It's almost shameful to think of all the toxins I have put in my body. I don't mean to sound too "granola" for you, but that might be just what I am. I love naturopathy. I believe that God created our bodies to function in a certain way with the nutrients and foods he gave us in an environment he designed our bodies to be in. Because it's fallen , the world has been polluted and manipulated in so many ways, that even our FRUITS and VEGGIES aren't completely natural anymore. Kind of makes me sad.

That being said, if we have these bodies designed to intake nutrients and export wastes in a certain way, what does our body do with all of these man made additives that we put in our bodies? Sometimes it finds a way to get rid of them, and sometimes not. Sometimes they manifest themselves in various parts of the body and sometimes those manifestations turn into diseases, disorders, and cancers.

Genesis Pure - Liquid Cleanse -
cleanses  colon, liver, kidneys, lungs,
 lymphatic system, skin and blood stream
I heard about a study done on West Texas breast cancer patients. When their tumors were opened, they found the same chemicals inside of them that are used on cotton crops (a notorious product of West Texas.) From this, we can safely assume that our bodies are collecting things that they don't know what to do with and aren't designed to have in them or get rid of.

So our bodies need to be cleansed of the bad (I recommend - a multi channel, gentle cleanser) and to be nourished with foods that our bodies are DESIGNED to handle.

All in all, I'm enjoying going into a grocery store and realizing that it's not that I can't HAVE those foods because I'm on a diet, but I don't WANT those foods because they are full of nasty things that make me feel bad and will do bad things to me long term.

Always a work in progress.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Healthy Easter Basket!!
Happy belated Easter!

Sunday was Easter and yesterday I was sick, so I didn't get too much done. Also, I feel like Easter blindsided me as a holiday where you eat. Admission: I ate mom's deviled eggs and sweet potatoes (with splenda.) Not my best weekend but not my worst either.

My mom asked what I wanted in my Easter basket and I said "healthy things!"... boy did she the Easter bunny come through! And yes, there were even a couple of cadbury eggs included, but look at my loot! Big bags of natural almonds, shelled pistachios, pecans, natural popcorn, papaya, coconut chips, clif bars, sugar free gum, and water. Sweet deal! I made an awesome trail mix out of some of this stuff!
Mom: Easter 2013

I don't know if I have mentioned my mom's battle with diabetes before, but she was diagnosed, and as a geriatric nurse knew the consequences of not taking care of yourself. She has been amazing at handling herself with care, eating right, and monitoring her levels and now has lost a bit of weight. Look how hott she is!!
My Easter Ensemble!

I, myself, have been HATING buying new clothes, trying on clothes ,and etc. But, I needed something to wear for Easter Sunday. I splurged on some white skinny ankle jeans, this flowy blue top with pleated back, and matching shoes/ necklace -- p.s. the necklace was a steal at $4 and the shoes were on sale for $7. Boom!

I hope your Easter was full of feeling the love of Christ through remembering His resurrection.

Time to focus focus focus!!

xoxo Megan