
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Healthy Easter Basket!!
Happy belated Easter!

Sunday was Easter and yesterday I was sick, so I didn't get too much done. Also, I feel like Easter blindsided me as a holiday where you eat. Admission: I ate mom's deviled eggs and sweet potatoes (with splenda.) Not my best weekend but not my worst either.

My mom asked what I wanted in my Easter basket and I said "healthy things!"... boy did she the Easter bunny come through! And yes, there were even a couple of cadbury eggs included, but look at my loot! Big bags of natural almonds, shelled pistachios, pecans, natural popcorn, papaya, coconut chips, clif bars, sugar free gum, and water. Sweet deal! I made an awesome trail mix out of some of this stuff!
Mom: Easter 2013

I don't know if I have mentioned my mom's battle with diabetes before, but she was diagnosed, and as a geriatric nurse knew the consequences of not taking care of yourself. She has been amazing at handling herself with care, eating right, and monitoring her levels and now has lost a bit of weight. Look how hott she is!!
My Easter Ensemble!

I, myself, have been HATING buying new clothes, trying on clothes ,and etc. But, I needed something to wear for Easter Sunday. I splurged on some white skinny ankle jeans, this flowy blue top with pleated back, and matching shoes/ necklace -- p.s. the necklace was a steal at $4 and the shoes were on sale for $7. Boom!

I hope your Easter was full of feeling the love of Christ through remembering His resurrection.

Time to focus focus focus!!

xoxo Megan

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