
Thursday, March 7, 2013


Feeling good today.. the first day that I felt a difference in my weight. That feeling is hard to describe. Even though I know it's not noticeable, I am grateful for the feeling because it provides motivation.

I did pretty well eating wise yesterday -- drank a lot of ounces of water & water-y drinks and ate well.

Oh, and then I ate a whole bunch of tootsie rolls. Seriously, though.. what is my problem? I am laughing this one off, even though I should probably take it more seriously. I was noticing yesterday that I wasn't craving anything at all and didn't have any desires to binge eat or eat unhealthy -- except I was craving chocolate. Me mum says that's because my insulin levels are wacky because of PCOS. I need to learn to notice that because you know what that leads to? DIABETES. You know what DIABETES leads to? A whole mess of other issues and I'm not up for it.

Apparently, my sugar tooth hung over for the morning, and I decided to stop by starbucks -- but I got a skinny mocha with soy meaning it was sugar free. Not a huge advocate of sugar free stuff because of aspertame, but I did it and enjoyed it. That's also the problem with giving into a sweet tooth in the first place -- it fuels the fire and promotes cravings. Maybe I should commit to giving up sugars (sans fruit.) I will think on this more.

Regardless, I must have gotten my taste for coffee back because I'm sipping on a big cup of it this morning. My mood: content.

In other news: a friend and I signed up for a SPINNING class Monday. Quite literally, I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, but I am looking forward to the guaranteed one hour of sweating! And by looking forward to, I mean scared out of my mind.. but optimistic!

Weight Loss Summary..
Since Yesterday: -1.2lbs
Total: -5lbs


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